The transition of my circuit of the previous Rube goldberg circuit will lift a hoist off of a photo-sensor. The photo-sensor is used as one of the two resistors in the non-inverting amplifier. The voltages are close enough that once the photo sensor is given light that it then produces a high enough gain that it switched the relay. The two outputs of the relay are connected to a diode, that is lit to show the relay hasn't switched yet. Once the relay is switched the rest of the circuit is activated. First the 7 segment display counter is activated and is counted from 1 to 9 and the motor will spin from 4 to 9. There will be a 555 timer, 74192, xor gate, and 7447 decimal counter. The motor will spin the bridge moving the object down it the down a ramp to the next circuit.
3. Provide photos of the circuit and setup.
4. Provide at least 2 videos of your setup in action (parts or whole), at least one being a failed attempt.
5. What failures did you have? How did you overcome them?
1 big failure that I had which was hard to overcome was solving for the voltages to make the amplifier trip the relay. I have many different voltages coming in so it was hard to make all of them work with each other the way I wanted them too. Finally I solved for the right voltages and i was able to overcome that issue.
You need a technical drawing for both electrical and mechanical parts Scout. Also, your mechanical part does not seem complicated enough. In terms of circuitry, you might want to add a bit more complication as well.
ReplyDeleteFor Scouts circuit, you said that your belt is going to move an object down it, do you know what that object is going to be or how much its going to weigh? You might want to plan your voltage output accordingly if its a bigger heavier object as opposed to a smaller one.
ReplyDeleteNice setup Scout! You have come along way, and I like the theory behind your setup. I wish there was a video to show how it functioned. It sounds technical from a circuit standpoint. However, you will probably need to spice it up a notch for the mechanical side.
ReplyDeleteI like your design. i wish i would have done something similar using a timer to decide when to trigger the motor. Id liked to have seen a video of it all functioning but your description did a nice job allowing me to visualize it.
ReplyDeleteYour circuit is really well done. I like how you setup the timer in order to startup the motor. It actually makes your circuit more complex, and serves a purpose at the same time. Im excited to see how your final circuit design will look like. Great job.
ReplyDeletenice setup i really like your circuit from using the timer to make the motor work and the mechanical part is good for me but need something to make more complicated like if you add FSR in the end to make something work.